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  1. 1996 CIA World Factbook - current, in-depth data on every country in the world
  2. Britannica Online - 7-day free trial
  3. Catholic Encyclopedia
  4. COGNITO - Library for Family Reference
  5. Encarta Concise Encyclopedia
  6. Encyclopedia Mythica
  7. Encyberpedia
  8. Encyclopedia.com - provides more than 17,000 short articles from the Concise Columbia Electronic Encylopedia, Third Edition.
  9. Encyclopedia of Conspiracies
  10. Encyclopaedia of the Orient
  11. Encyclopedia Smithsonian
  12. Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Science
  13. FAQ Finder - Comprehensive guide to over 1800 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions lists) available on the Internet, arranged by category.
  14. FAQs for NewsgroupsCurrent FAQs for USENET groups available at Oxford University. You can browse by category or by newsgroup, or search the full text of the FAQ archive
  15. Fairy Tale Encyclopedia
  16. Financial Encyclopedia
  17. FindOut - research service; free answers via email to first 100 questions
  18. Free Internet Encyclopedia
  19. Gardener Encyclopedia - Time Life - searchable database contains almost 3,000 species selected for general use in North American horticultural practice.
  20. Grolier Online
  21. Home Improvement Encyclopedia - Better Homes and Gardens
  22. International Financial Encyclopedia
  23. Knowledge Adventure Encyclopedia - bugs, dinosaurs, space -- you name it! Plus interesting information that can also help with your homework.
  24. Learn2.com - the ability utility
  25. News.Answers WWW Archive, The
  26. Nolo's Legal Encyclopedia
  27. Panic Encyclopedia - The Definitive Guide to the Postmodern Scene
  28. Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia - US FDA / Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
  29. TechWeb Technology Encyclopedia Over 10,000 definitions to technolog terms and concepts.
  30. VetPedia - everything you need to know about your cat or dog
  31. WWW news.answers archive - The Usenet newsgroup news.answers is a repository for periodic informational postings (also called Frequently Asked Questions postings, or FAQs) from other newsgroups
  32. Webliography: A Guide to Internet Resources - From LSU Virtual Library, a well annotated hierarchical guide to resources available on the Internet, covering a broad range of topics from government to science to humanities.
  33. World Encyclopedia - with Anthems, Flags, Maps, and the Nations of the World

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