At last, a Way For You to Arm Yourself with Important Information to Help You Diagnose Your Vehicle's Electrical Problems Before You Blindly
Turn It Over to the Mercy of a Repair Shop.
Welcome to HOT TIPS! In HOT TIPS, you can get all the information you need to help you diagnose your auto electrical problems or determine
whether your mechanic is telling you the truth or not. For $4.95 you may be able to save hundreds of dollars on electrical repair bills. Click here for
complete access to HOT TIPS.
One of the main reasons we designed this web site is to help YOU have a better understanding of your Car, Boat or RV's Electrical System BEFORE
you hand them over to the mercy of an auto electrical service shop.
in the mean time you can sign our guest book and make your comment about our web site in exchange for paying and i will e-mail you the link to hot tips page a one time courtesy, knowledge is power click here to sign guest book.
Large Dealers and Electrical Service Shops Are Upset with AC ALTERNATOR for Giving the Customer Too Much Information and Servicing and
Selling Wholesale to the Public.
At AC Alternator, we feel that you Have the Right to understand how your car, boat or RV's electrical system works and with the help of our site's
HOT TIPS, you will.
Like David vs. Goliath, AC Alternator Refuses to Back Down!
Not only will you have a good understanding of your car, boat or RV's electrical system, but in HOT TIPS, you will also have an aid, designed and developed to help you diagnose electrical problems and
narrow down their causes before you turn your car over to an automotive mechanic and possibly face a BIG unnecessary service bill. All for just a small investment of only $4.95. Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.
I Have Got To Get This Off My Chest Before I Explode!
I have seen it time and time again. People with problems in their car, boat or RV's electrical system, take them to some local shop they found in the phone book or discount ads and due to inadequate training and poor testing this shop terribly misdiagnoses the true problem. Sometimes needless and expensive repairs are performed and yet the real problem may or may not be fixed. And you the customer gets the BIG BILL.
That is why we designed HOT TIPS into our site. Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.
Through the Help of Today's Technology, We Want to Give You the Edge.
We want to help educate YOU so that YOU can narrow down your car, boat or RV's electrical problems before you turn it over to a shop.
Our HOT TIPS have more than eight separate jam-packed areas of information on each separate area of your car, boat and RV's electrical system, to help you understand how they all work. We also include key points to help you quickly diagnose electrical problems.
The information in HOT TIPS is written in such a way to be helpful to an expert while still being understandable to a layman. Take a look at some of the topics covered in HOT TIPS.
* The Alternator.
* The Regulator.
* The DC Battery in Automotive Systems.
* Car preventive mainteance check list.
* The DC Battery in RV Systems.
* Charging a Dual DC Battery in an RV System.
* The Difference Between Marine Cranking Amps--MCA and Automotive Cold Cranking Amps--CCA
* And much more!!.
Take a look below and you will find a detailed list of many of the points explained in HOT TIPS.
The Alternator:
* What the Alternator was and was not designed to do.
* How the Alternator functions with your car's other systems and devices.
* The relationship of the battery and Alternator during demands of high electrical loads at low idle.
* The effects of increased alternator temperature from extended idling.
* A listing that shows the average electrical loads and amps drawn by electrical devices on your car.
* When adding a car stereo amplifier, A formula for figuring out the amount of
extra amps you will need from your car's Alternator to support the new stereo amplifier.
* The $600.00 mistake you never want to make when testing your car's alternator.
* What that RED dash light means and how much time you have before your engine stops.
* A check list of 18 leading causes of damage to your car's Alternator.
* A check list of 12 leading causes of damage to your car's Starter.
Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.
* Understand how the Voltage Regulator functions in the charging system, what its job is and how it works.
* Understand the intricate mechanical components, chemicals and solutions that make up your car's battery--what's inside, how a healthy battery functions and produces electronic energy.
* Discover what processes occur inside and out when your battery is tested to see if it is good or "dead."
* Understand the term "Rate of Discharge" and how it is measured.
* Learn the differences in the two methods of testing to determine the state of charge condition of your automotive battery.
* Determine how weather affects your battery and how many battery volts are lost with each degree drop in temperature.
* What one important thing to always check before installing a new or remanufactured alternator.
*A special 17 step car preventive maintenance check list designed to save you money, time and aggravation and keep your car running smoothly and you and your passengers save.
* Learn the function and differences in the two battery types found in RVs.
* Discover what key things to look for in a RV DC and Deep Cycle battery.
* Find out what key things to consider when defining your RV battery needs.
* How to avoid 4 key dangerous situations in a dual battery system.
* The different types of dual battery charges and the benefits and drawbacks of each.
* Learn key safety precautions to implement in your dual caring system.
Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.
* Discover the difference between Marine Cranking amps MCA, and automotive Cold Cranking Amps CCA.
* Learn the method for rating the starting power of a Marine/RV Deep-Cycle battery.
* Learn the method for rating the starting power of and automobile battery.
* Understand the difference between the physical make up of and RV/Marine
Deep-Cycle battery and that of an Automotive battery.
* Know what one thing should always be done prior to using or storing your Deep-Cycle Marine/RV battery.
*Understand the differences in the two methods of determining the available capacity and state of charge of your Deep-Cycle Marine/RV battery.
* Learn the two best methods to use that give you all the accurate information you should ever need about your Marine/RV Deep-Cycle battery's state of charge.
*Find out what type of battery charging will allow you to charge a Deep-Cycle battery over night.
* Discover what type of charger will give your Marine/RV Deep-Cycle battery a more COMPLETE charge.
* Find out which state of charge cause the most damage to a Marine/RV Deep-Cycle battery's internal components.
* Understand the benefits of a battery converter and its functions.
* Know what to check for in a properly wired Dual DC battery system.
* Enjoy a good over-all understanding of the DC RV system including how everything in connected and its interaction with the DC part of your RV coach.
Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.
Go Ahead, Compare Our Value--Please.
We invite you to compare the value you receive with us vs. the other shops offering of expensive software, books and charge-per-minute help
Listed here are a couple of reputable sites of some of the Big Guns in the industry. Please take a look. lists many well known pay per
minute help lines as well as some free help lines. On the paid help lines, often you have to be a customer or paid member of their club before they will
even talk to you. And the charges per minute add up quickly as you try to explain your electrical problem to them over the phone line as the clock ticks by and the dollars add up.
Often at the free help lines, the only answer you receive is to bring your vehicle in to their shop so that they can perform diagnostic tests (and they hand you the bill).
Other sites ask you to send for their expensive software or books and days or weeks later, you may or may not be able to find out what is wrong with your electrical system.
At AC Alternator's HOT TIPS, you will have Instant Access to helpful information on your car, boat or RV's electrical system and just as important, you will be educated about how each component functions within the electrical system.
You can get all the information you need to help you diagnose your auto electrical problems or determine whether your mechanic is telling you the truth or not. For just $4.95 you may be able to save hundreds of dollars on electrical repair bills. Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.
Don't take our word for it, see what others who have actually visited our web site are saying.
---Great site, Cliff. It was extremely informative and very helpful for people with no alternator knowledge. I also appreciate your honesty when I last paid you a visit. You certainly saved me lots of time and money.
Andy Padilla
Monterey Park, CA USA
--Very nice site,. I enjoyed the tips. I am a retired airline mechanic and appreciate your knowledge of the electrical systems. I agree most mechanics are unfamiliar with auto electrical and electronics. I read some of the auto repair forums on the internet and really chuckle at the answers some give about auto electrical repair. Mention a volt ohm meter and they say what!
Bob Birdsong
Sharpsburg, GA USA
--Great site! Thank God someone knows what they are talking about on the web. I like your info sections, Lots of good stuff. Keep up the good work! PS....I'm glad you're not my competitor!!!!
A-1 Battery and Auto Electric in Spokane.
Tony goltiani
spokane, wa USA -
You can also view the Guest Book in its entirety and see what people are saying that have visited the Hot Tips page. Click here to view the guest book comments. Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.
And There Is More.
There's a lot to read here in HOT TIPS, you can get all the information you need to help you diagnose your auto electrical problems or determine whether your mechanic is telling you the truth or not. For $4.95 you may be able to save hundreds of dollars on electrical repair bills. Click here for complete access to HOT TIPS.