[ Cool Library of the Week ]
- AcqWeb - Vanderbilt University
- American Library Association
- American Society for Information Science -
Improving access to information since 1937.
- Art Libraries Society of North America- serves the interests of librarians, visual resources professionals, educators and others interested in arts information.
- Association of Research Libraries
- Berkeley Public Library's Index to the Internet
- Bethlehem (PA) Area Public Library
- Cal State University Library fullerton C.A
- CARRIE: a Full-Text Electronic Library
- Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
- Cataloger's Reference Shelf - "A collection or 21 MARC manuals and other reference works frequently accessed by technical services staff." Produced by the Library Corporation.
- Cleveland Public Library
- Georgetown University: Special Collections Division
- Harvard-Yenching Library
- Hytelnet - Search Libraries All Over the World
- Information Technology Laboratory
- Internet Public Library
- James Ford Bell Library - Univ. of Minnesota
- Karpeles Manuscript Library
- Kemp Library - East Stroudsburg University
- The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library
- LibWeb - Libraray WWW Servers - Browse Libraries Collections World Wide
- Library of Congress - Home Page
- Libraries on the World-Wide-Web
- Libraries Online! - an initiative of the Microsoft Corporation, the American Library Association (ALA), and the Technology Resource Institute to research and develop innovative approaches for extending information technologies to underserved communities
- Library Servers via WWW
- Lipstick Librarian, The - Everything you've ever wanted to know about librarians.
- Mt. Arlington Public Library - New Jersey
- Melvyl Homepage - The World-Wide Web interface for the University of California MELVYL System Catalog (which contains nearly 14 million holdings from 100 UC libraries and other California libraries) is now available for public use.
- Michigan Electronic Library - provides access and organization to thousands of information resources.
- National Library of Education
- National Libraries of the World
- New York Public Library WWW Server
- Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
OPLIN expands Ohioans' access to the Internet through 250 public library systems with T1 connections,
Web services, electronic reference databases, and trained public service staff.
- Online Ready Reference System - a subject list of websites, arranged according to the Dewey Decimal system
- PRESIDENT -- Presidential Libraries IDEA Network
- Purdue University Reference Desk
- Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Virtual Reference Desk
- Ready Reference Using the Internet
- The Richter Library Web Server, University of Miami
- Seattle Public Access Network (PAN)
The Seattle Public Access Network (PAN) provides free public online access to greater Seattle government, community, business and visitor information.
- Spokane Public Library
- The Steinbeck Center
- Treasures of Florida Libraries
- Tulane University Library - special collections
- Utah Library Network Home Page [DDC]
- VIVA: The Virtual Library of Virginia Home Page
- Washington University Data Archive
- World Wide Web Virtual Library Library Directory - directory of libraries, library organizations and services, and library related companies on the Web.
Spanish Libraries
Indexes to Library Home Pages and Gophers
Indexes to Specific Library Types
Individual Library Home Pages
Indexes to Library Online Catalogs
Research and Reference Services
Special Collections
Digital Library Activities
Professional Organizations (Library and Information Sciences)
Indexes to Library and Information Science Schools
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